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  • Loyalty
  • FMCG
  • Retail

Les Terroirs Réunis

The loyalty program to savor even more local products

How to create an effective loyalty program to federate different brands of local products?


Créer un cercle vertueux favorisant l’engagement des consommateurs : ​ plus ils agiront, grâce à Panier de Yoplait, plus la marque leur permettra de récolter des cadeaux en lien avec la biodiversité, et plus elle s’engagera à son tour.

  • 1

    Creation of a strong, modern relational brand, in line with the different brands of the group.

  • 2

    A unique program, uniting (eventually) 9 stores of the group.





  • 3

    Declination of the identity on all media (web, wallet, POS).

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    Design of a simple and impactful loyalty mechanism, and a seamless in-store journey from checkout to obtaining gift products.

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    Communication scenarios to increase engagement (waking up inactive people, encouraging the use of points, filing Google reviews, birthdays, boosters, etc.).

The key points

Collect data to better understand shop consumers.


Increase the frequency of visits and the average basket.


Encourage the discovery of new products.

The Dékuple touch

Creation of a strong relational brand, consistent with the identity and positioning of the different brands of the Laiteries H. Triballat group


Support from creative creation to the implementation of the loyalty program solution.


Economic modeling of the program to define the generosity and business plan to measure the R.O.I. over 3 years.

Key figures

of the 2022 enrollment target reached in 2 weeks